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Safety and Quality Will Guarantee Steady Progress in Crusher Industry

Date:2012-07-05    Source:

       Such mining equipments as crusher plays a fatal role in the economic construction, however, the endless accidents have been widely noticed. The quality and safety issue of crusher equipments have become the hot topic in our society. Shanghai Xiazhou Heavy Industry holds the point that although formal operation is the key,  quality, maintenance, installation are also need the attention in  crusher industry. Quality and production safety should consist with the development speed.
       The development of crusher industry in our country has made significant progress, both the product quantity and quality are increasing rapidly. Crushers made at home have been sold all over the world. Under this specific development background, there are also many accidents caused by inappropriate operation of the machine. Therefore, crusher production enterprises need to provide their customers with reliable equipments, meanwhile, they should also provide the corresponding technical training in order to make sure that equipment operators operate in strict accordance with the operation process.It will be an effective way to minimize  accidents.
       Safety is the primary focus in all projects, which is the common aspiration of all staffs. It is the premise of the economic development, especially for mining machinery, manufacturing enterprises should raise their social consciousness and ensure the security for all kinds of construction projects. They should provide high quality equipments in order to ensure the normal operation of economic development.

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